Night Hawk Logo

Night Hawk Frozen Foods

Food & Beverage

Industry Type

Food & Beverage

Client Profile

Currently located in Buda, Night Hawk Frozen Foods began in 1965, when the Night Hawk Restaurants in Austin, Texas started producing frozen dinners for “meat and potatoes” devotees.


Although Night Hawk had a dedicated fanbase of Texans over the age of 40, their outdated aesthetic didn’t live up to the product itself—and sales were starting to stagnate. In 2013, they approached us looking for a complete rebrand that would reach and resonate with new audiences.

The Results


Lifetime Social Media Stats


Total sales increased YOY


Organically grew social media followers


Texans reached

Logo & Branding

With a bold night hawk inhabiting the negative space of a red flame, our new logo for Night Hawk illustrated the brand’s most important differentiator: the charbroiled beef.

Business Cards
Night Hawk Packaging Design


The new packaging—and new food photography—made Night Hawk competitive on freezer shelves, and the website enabled fans to learn about products, nutritional information, and Night Hawk news. Our efforts helped Night Hawk see a 45% increase in sales year over year.


Food Photography


The new packaging—and new food photography—made Night Hawk competitive on freezer shelves, and the website enabled fans to learn about products, nutritional information, and Night Hawk news. Our efforts helped Night Hawk see a 45% increase in sales year over year.

wood background

Social Campaigns


Social Media Ad
Social Campaign Post
Social Campaign Post
Social Campaign Post
Social Campaign Post
Social Campaign Post

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