Perception of Value: Before You Even Get a Chance
Standing at the crosswalk, patiently awaiting the light to indicate my safe passage across the bustling intersection, my eye caught a standard 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper Scotch-taped on the light post next to me. It simply read, “$5 Copay Dental” with a local phone number. Immediately, my imagination went to work on what the person on the other end of that line would sound like if I were to call. With scenes from movies like Young Frankenstein and Silence of the Lambs filtering through, I decided today wasn’t the day to put my life in jeopardy.
Okay, maybe I was being a bit dramatic. But my mental exploration into the cinematic potential of all that could go wrong at a medical practice was real. Failure to consider the resulting perception of value from a seemingly “efficient” activity is an unfortunately common theme in misguided marketing.
The success of your business requires the trust of your customers or clients that you will deliver on what you promise to them. And developing that trust normally begins long before you ever have the chance to meet with the customer at all. That means that every interaction point between your business and your potential client must exude a level of trust and reputability, and accurately represent your business’ position in the market.
From a branding perspective, this begins with the logo. The logo automatically creates a perception in the viewers mind as to what industry you work in, how much it costs, how reputable your offering is, and how much they trust you— all from three-seconds of observation! A misguided perception stemming from a poorly designed logo can be overcome through other interactions with that prospect… assuming you get to that point! More than likely, with other options (mainly, your competitors) just a mouse-click away, you may not get that opportunity.
If a logo is done correctly, it will lend itself to creating the foundation for a voice, look, and overall feel that will be extended throughout all of your marketing materials, (ie. website, brochures, packaging, etc) All of these pieces must resonate in strategic alignment with the goals for your business. If you want people to view your business as a value-driven, cost saving, come-one come-all offering, there’s a RIGHT way to do that. If you want to appeal to a specific niche audience (tech savvy entrepreneurs, young millennial’s, upper-income seniors), there’s a RIGHT way to do that, as well. Always remember: You’re not necessarily marketing to yourself, your marketing team, or your CEO. Rather, you’re marketing to your audience; your customers’ opinions matter most.
Establishing a perception of value for your brand that accurately reflects who you are is not a simple task, and requires thorough investigation into the goals, vision and unique value of your business. Bringing these truths to a visual platform through multiple marketing pieces can be done with heavy impact and sustaining results for your sales process. Throwing together the equivalent of a “$5 dollar dentist co-pay” on a light post, however, may not be as ideal.
Ask yourself, “What do I want my prospective customers to think and feel when they learn about our business for the first time?”